Burnett Bayland Park

Agha Engineering, LLC is serving as prime on the Burnett Bayland Park - 40-arce project located in Harris County Precinct 4.


Agha Engineering, LLC is professional engineering services required for the preparation of the Plans Specifications, Estimates (PS&E) packages, and bidding for the Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) Sam Houston Toll Road Segment 3 project, between IH10 and US59.

Armand Bayou Hike & Bike Trail

Agha Engineering, LLC (AEL) is the prime consultant on the Armand Bayou pedestrian, intersection, and drainage improvements project between Partnership Park and Fairmont Parkway Trail Head.

Houston District - H&H

Agha Engineering, LLC is PRIME on the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) IDIQ, H&H - Houston District projects. Work Authorizations include work on FM 1495 in Brazoria County and IH45 in Harris County.

Sweetwater Lane

Agha Engineering, LLC is PRIME on the $25M roadway reconstruction of Sweetwater Lane from West Canino Road to West Road in Harris County.

Boudreaux Detention Basin

Agha Engineering, LLC is PRIME on the $65M SWDB project and is currently performing a preliminary engineering report for the proposed 300-acre floodplain preservation basin in the Willow Creek Watershed.